Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Roasted Tomato, Mozzarella Pasta with Olives

I made this recipe up tonight.  I used what I had in the house.  It turned out pretty good.  You have to almost burn the tomatoes to get a good roasted flavor.

2 pints grape tomatoes
5 cloves garlic, diced
8 sprigs fresh thyme, stems removed
olive oil
1 dozen kalamata olives, diced
2 oz fresh mozzarella cheese, diced
6-8 oz cavatelli pasta, cooked
8-10 fresh basil leaves, cut

Roast tomatoes with garlic, thyme and olive oil at 425 for about 30 minutes stirring several times until just starting to burn.  Toss with pasta, olives and cheese. Top with basil.

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